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Rapid Reading Intervention, Book 3, Grades 5, 6, 7

Book 3

(NOTE: NEW TITLE FOR Fluency and Phonics, Book 3)

Fluency and Phonics, Books 1,2, & 3Rapid Reading Intervention, Book 3 is a reading program that teaches reading in a different way. Unlike reading programs in which students struggle to sound out words, the program builds on students natural language abilities to develop word recognition and reading fluency in the context of interesting reading passages. Also the program includes phonics in the context of rhyming words from the reading passages.


Fluency and Phonics, Books 1,2, & 3Rapid Reading Intervention, Book 3 has eleven lessons with graded reading passages from grade 5 to grade 7 reading levels.


Fluency and Phonics, Books 1,2, & 3In each lesson, Rapid Reading Intervention, Book 3 includes phrase-cued reading, repeated reading, timed reading, and reading with expression all of which develop reading fluency.


Fluency and Phonics, Books 1,2, & 3The program method produces exceptional reading success for at-risk readers having one or more of the following reading characteristics:


  •  need a sense of the whole story before reading;

  •  experience difficulty blending sounds;

  •  read letter by letter, word by word;

  • have strong verbal skills and weak written language skills; and

  •  exhibit delays in cadence and rhythm.


Fluency and Phonics, Books 1,2, & 3Rapid Reading Intervention, Book 3 is also used to improve reading speed and fluency.



GA152 Print Version
For Grades 5, 6, & &7
66 pages
Sale!! $7.95 - Print Book Available at Amazon
Kindle Version Coming Soon!

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